Becoming a Multiplier:

How Great Leaders Invest in Others for Exponential Growth

When I was younger and went to church with my family, I used to especially love our boy's Sunday School class. It was taught by an older gentleman named Buzz. Buzz wasn't a particularly great communicator, yet each and every one of us would sit there respectfully, quietly, and give him our full attention. Now I'm sure you know as well as I do what a feat this was! You might be asking, "What was his secret?" His secret was this - BECAUSE WE KNEW HE CARED ABOUT US, WE CARED ABOUT WHAT HE HAD TO SAY. We knew he wanted the best for us, he desired to see us grow, and he personally invested his time to see us reach our potential. You see, Buzz would take us fishing, he would plan camping trips, and he would make sure to teach us all kinds of skills that would help us be successful. Our teacher was a "MULTIPLIER." 

"Before you are a leader success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others."
— Jack Welch

It’s one thing to be a genius, but the best leaders are genius makers.

Jesus knew how important it was to invest and grow His team. In Mark 9:30-31 it says, leaving that region, they traveled through Galilee. Jesus didn't want anyone to know he was there, for he wanted to spend more time with his disciples and teach them. The disciples started out as a group of ragtag cowards, corrupt business owners, and arrogant power-hungry revolutionaries, but Jesus saw them as men who could change the world.

In her bestselling book of the same name, Liz Wiseman defines this type of leader as a "MULTIPLIER."

Many business owners and leaders believe that they need BETTER people, BETTER technology, or BETTER marketing to reach their goals. While these things might bring some growth, exponential growth comes by better utilizing the resources we already have. This is what MULTIPLIERS are, experts at doing. Instead of looking for something new, they invest in and grow the people they have. They learn to leverage the resources in the house, and as a result they gain competitive advantage. 

MULTIPLIERS have the following growth mindset. They believe:

  1. Most people on their team are underutilized.

  2. Capability can be leveraged with the right kind of leadership.

  3. Intelligence, competence, and skill can be grown and refined.

My challenge to you today is to LOOK INSIDE and LOOK AROUND at the people and resources inside your organization. Develop them, invest in them, bring the best out in them, and watch the best come out in your company!

Pastor David Blunt

Question for Growth:

Do I extract all of the capabilities of others? Do I extend the capabilities of others?

Recommended Book:

Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter - Liz Wiseman


Your Future is in your focus


How to Stop Worrying and Start Living Part 2