How to Experience God and Lead Authentically in the Marketplace


Great leadership isn’t just about strategies, achievements, or decision-making—it starts with something much deeper: a relationship with God. In this week’s Leadership Lifter, I shared four ways to experience God in your life and leadership. When you experience God, it shapes you into a leader who inspires others, reflects integrity, and leads with purpose.

Let’s explore how you can implement these four principles in your leadership:


1. Obeying God’s Word

The Bible makes it clear: if we love Him, we’ll obey Him. As 1 John 2:3 says, “This is how we know Him, if we keep His commandments.” Obedience isn’t about religion or rituals—it’s about relationship. It’s a sign that we’re close to God and trust His guidance. As leaders, this means aligning our actions and decisions with His Word. When we obey God, we experience His power and clarity in our leadership, and that allows us to lead with confidence and integrity.

Reflection: Are there areas in your leadership where you struggle to fully trust and obey God? What steps can you take this week to align your decisions with His Word?

2. Walking in the Fruit of the Spirit

When we’re truly experiencing God, the fruit of the Spirit will be evident in our lives. These nine traits—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—are the character of Christ. They shape how we interact with others and create an atmosphere of trust and grace in the workplace.

1 John 2:6 reminds us, “Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did.” If the fruit of the Spirit isn’t growing in your life, it’s a sign that it’s time to refocus on your relationship with God. When we embody these traits, we foster positive cultures and lead with compassion and wisdom.

Reflection: Which fruit of the Spirit do you feel God is asking you to grow in this week as a leader?

3. Fulfilling Your God-Given Purpose

You know you’re experiencing God when you’re walking in the purpose He’s given you. Leadership isn’t just about accomplishing tasks or achieving goals—it’s about aligning everything you do with God’s plan for your life. When you’re clear about your purpose, you inspire others to find and fulfill theirs.

As 1 John 2:29 says, “Everyone who does what is right has been born of Him.” Walking in righteousness means conforming to God’s will in thought, word, and action. The more we align ourselves with His purpose, the more effective and fulfilled we’ll be as leaders.

Reflection: Are you walking in your God-given purpose? How can you align your leadership more closely with His plan this week?

4. Growing in Love for Others

One of the clearest signs that we’re experiencing God is when our love for others is growing. 1 John 4:7 says, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God.” In leadership, this means caring deeply for the people you lead—your team, your clients, and your community. Love isn’t just a feeling; it’s an action that inspires trust, builds connection, and transforms lives.

In my own life, there was a time when I struggled with anger and hurt. But when I fully surrendered to Jesus and made Him Lord of my life, He replaced that anger with love. That love has fueled my calling as a pastor for over 40 years. When you lead with love, you create an environment where people feel valued and empowered.

Reflection: How can you show tangible love and care to someone on your team or in your community this week?


Conclusion: Lead with Purpose and Experience God Daily

Leadership isn’t about titles or power—it’s about serving others and reflecting God’s love in everything we do. When we obey His Word, walk in the fruit of the Spirit, fulfill our purpose, and grow in love for others, we experience God in a way that transforms our leadership.

Take some time this week to reflect on these four principles and ask God to guide you as you grow in your leadership.

Thank you for taking this journey with me. If this worksheet has been a blessing, I encourage you to share it with a friend or colleague. Together, let’s strive to lead with excellence, authenticity, and hearts aligned with God.

Until next time, remember: God is for you!


Building Confidence


4 ways to experience God in your leadership