The Power of Positive Self-Talk

for Leaders and Marketplace Professionals


As you walk your leadership journey, what truly shapes your growth isn’t just the external opportunities but the words you speak to yourself.

I often remind people, “What you say to yourself has more power, more volume, and more impact than what anyone else can say about you.” That’s why I want to challenge you: What’s your narrative? What story are you telling yourself?

In this episode, we’ll explore how mastering positive self-talk can elevate your leadership, strengthen your confidence, and help you become the person God has called you to be.


Little Things Make a Big Difference

When I think about the role of self-talk, I’m reminded of a story about Tiger Woods. As a young boy, Tiger’s dad had him record affirmations like, “I believe in myself,” and listen to them every day. Imagine that—a child programming his mind with confidence and belief in his potential. And look at what Tiger became.

It’s not just Tiger. Daryl Strawberry used affirmations as he stepped up to bat. Evander Holyfield spoke words of resilience as he walked into the ring. Each of these leaders in their respective fields used positive self-talk to build mental toughness, confidence, and performance.

Now let’s bring it back to you. What are you saying to yourself daily? Are you speaking words of encouragement or words of defeat? Are you building yourself up or tearing yourself down? Just like Tiger, Daryl, and Evander, your words have the power to shape your story.

Programming Your Mind for Success

Let me share something simple but life-changing: what you say with your mouth ends up in your mind, and what you think in your mind will settle in your heart.

Think of it this way:

  • Your mouth program your mind.

  • Your mind shapes your beliefs.

  • And your beliefs drive your actions.

This truth is echoed in the Bible. In Joshua 1:8, God tells Joshua to keep His Word in his mouth, meditate on it day and night, and act on it. Why? Because what we say influences what we believe, and what we believe determines the outcomes of our lives.

As leaders, this principle is especially important. Negative self-talk tears down confidence, while positive, faith-filled self-talk builds resilience and prepares us to lead at the highest level.

Self-Talk, Confidence, and Performance

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Confidence is key.” But where does confidence come from? It starts with self-talk.

I recently read that even Navy SEALs use self-talk to build mental toughness. They’re trained to speak words of focus and determination in high-stakes situations because what they say impacts how they perform under pressure. The same is true for us as leaders.

If you find yourself saying, “I’m not good enough,” or “I’ll never succeed,” those words will become your reality. But if you say, “I can do all things through Christ,” or “I am equipped to lead and succeed,” you’ll find your confidence growing and your performance improving.

Practical Steps for Positive Leadership

Want to shift your mindset and elevate your leadership? Start with these practical steps:

  1. Guard Your Words
    What comes out of your mouth matters. Speak words of life, encouragement, and faith over yourself and your team. Avoid negativity and replace it with affirmations like, “I am a capable leader,” or “God is working through me.”

  2. Meditate on Positive Thoughts
    Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” What you focus on will shape your reality. Take time to meditate on God’s promises, your goals, and your vision for the future.

  3. Take Action on What You Speak
    Words and thoughts are only part of the equation. True growth comes when we act on what we believe. Take proactive steps to bring your positive self-talk to life.

  4. Replace Negative Thoughts
    We all have moments of doubt, but the key is to catch those negative thoughts and replace them with truth. Instead of saying, “This is impossible,” try saying, “With God, all things are possible.”

  5. Surround Yourself with Positivity
    The people you spend time with and the content you consume influence your mindset. Choose mentors, friends, and resources that encourage and uplift you.


Conclusion: Leadership in the Marketplace

When I think about the power of words, I’m reminded of the story of Jeremiah. God had a powerful plan for his life, calling him to be a prophet to the nations. But when God spoke to Jeremiah, his immediate response was filled with self-doubt: “I’m too young. I can’t speak.”

God didn’t let Jeremiah stay stuck in that negative self-talk. Instead, He commanded him in Jeremiah 1:7, “Say not…”God was essentially saying, “Stop speaking words of defeat over yourself.”

As leaders, the same principle applies to us. What we say to ourselves will determine how far we go.

In the fast-paced marketplace, negativity and doubt can easily creep in. But like Jeremiah, you don’t have to stay stuck. By mastering positive self-talk, you’ll not only lead yourself to success but also inspire those around you to step into their God-given potential.

Remember this: God is for you, and with His help, you can achieve the vision He’s placed in your heart. Speak life. Think victory. Lead with confidence.


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Self Talk